In this FAQ you can find answers to frequently asked questions from students. Be sure to remember that the official documents and rules from the university that apply!
Do you think there is a question missing here or an answer is incorrect, send an email to:
Last updated: 2022-01-28
The document contains questions regarding:
- Examination
- Appeal
- Course application
- Course registration
- Credits and degree requirements
- Courses
- Course syllabus
- Study Information
- Study guidance
- Cheating
How do I register for exams?
You register via the Student Portal at LISAM under “Exam Registration“. You can also register via the LiU application. If you are registered to an exam you have a guaranteed place.
What happens if I forget to register to an exam?
There is no form of post-registration on exams that guarantees a place when the registration period has expired. If you have forgotten to register, you can no longer take the exam, so note the last registration date so you do not forget! You can use the LiU-app to add notifications for every exam directly to your calendar. You can find all the rules about examinations here: Examination
What happens if I arrive late to an exam?
If you arrive within 30 minutes after the start of the exam, you have to wait outside the hall until the second entry takes place. The second entry always takes place 30 minutes after the regular start time. If you arrive later than 30 minutes after the exam has started, you will no longer be allowed to write the exam.
Must an examination be anonymous?
At LiU, all written examinations shall be anonymous. During the examination, each student is given an AID number (anonymous identity number) which replaces the student’s signature (name and personal identity number) on the exam. For forms of examination other than written, anonymous examination shall be applied where possible on the basis of practical, economic and educational considerations. At the end of the examination process, before the grading is made, the examiner must take note of the names of the test participants in order for any conflict to be discovered. Bias should also be tested in relation to any teacher correcting exams.
When will I get my examination corrected and graded?
An examination assignment must be corrected, graded and certified in Ladok no later than 15 working days from the examination date and more than 10 working days before the re-exam. Working days refers to potential working days according to collective agreements, not just the working days of the concerned examiner. The results of the examination must reach the students before the re-examination application closes.
What do I do if the result from an examination is delayed?
First contact the examiner and ask why the result is delayed. If you do not receive an answer, you can try to contact the Director of Studies for the specific course (can be found in the course syllabus on Study information). You can also contact The Head of Educational Affairs at LinTek if you need more support regarding your exam.
How long before the re-examination must the university announce the date?
At the time of the regular exam you should have been notified of the date of the re-exam.
Can an examiner add examination assignments after the course has started?
No, the examination assignments should be listed in the syllabus at the start of the course. If an assignment is not included in the syllabus, the examiner may not add it. However, the examination element “LAB 2 credits” may include seminars, preparation assignments, laboratory work and lab reports. As mentioned, the design of the examination is very free.
If an examiner tries to add examination assignments during the course you should contact the Director of Studies of the specific course or The Head of Educational Affairs at LinTek.
Do I as a student have the right to demand a different examiner?
According to HF Chapter 6. Section 22, a student who has failed in two examinations has the right to have a change of examiner, if there are no specific reasons to speak against this (For example, one reason may be that there is no other teacher who is competent to pass the exam.).
What happens if I missed / failed a compulsory part of a course, can I continue the course?
A student who has not completed a compulsory part should normally still be allowed to participate in subsequent examination parts in the same course. Otherwise, it must be clarified in the syllabus that the fulfillment of the compulsory requirement is an absolute requirement for the student to participate in subsequent examinations. However, the final grade on the course should not be given until the student has completed all the compulsory parts.
My course has been discontinued and will not be given anymore, how many times will I be able to write the exam?
When a course is discontinued, an examination must be offered on a total of at least three occasions per examination assignment. These three occasions should be distributed over at least three semesters from the last ordinary course.
Is it allowed to have examinations on Saturdays?
Examination and compulsory parts should primarily be placed on weekdays during the day. For resource and schematic reasons, examination and compulsory elements may be placed at another time. Examinations may in exceptional cases take place on both Saturdays and Sundays, but religious holidays must be taken into account.
How do I go about applying for special support during exams? For example, extended exam time or the right to write the exam on a computer?
For more information, please contact the uUniversity coordinators for students with disabilities. Read more at:
Which are the dates for exam periods?
Exam periods and term periods are published on LiU’s website:
Am I allowed to re-do an examination even though I passed but I want to attempt to get a higher grade?
At the Faculty of Science and Engineering students have the right to re-do exams with the intention to get higher grades on written exams and computer exams, ie all exams with exam code TEN and DAT. In other examination assignments you are not offered the opportunity to get a higher grade on an already passed exam, unless otherwise stated in the syllabus.
What rights do you have if you would like to appeal a grade?
Decisions on grades cannot be appealed. This follows from Chapter 12. Section 2 and paragraph 4 in HF. However, a student has the right to request correction or revision of a grade. There is no time limit for when such a request should be received. Normally, correction or revision of grading decisions should be made by the same examiner who made the first grading decision. If this is not possible, someone else may do the revision. However, he or she must be appointed as examiner on the course.
I am not satisfied with the grade I got on the exam, how do I request revision?
A student at the Faculty of Science and Engineering is allowed to re-do an exam to try to raise the grade, but only if has the exam code TEN or DAT. Registration for the re-exam takes place on the student portal as normal. Grades on laboratory work and project work are discussed with the examiner and can be re-examined upon request, if the examiner considers it reasonable.
You can also go to the Student Service Desk for the specific institution and check the correction of written exams. If you then think that the examiner has made mistakes in the correction or maybe missed the sum of points, you can submit a written comment that will be sent to the examiner who will look it through which can later lead to a change of the grade.
What is course application?
Course application is something that all LiTH students must do in order to read their continuing courses within the program. On certain programs and specific semesters, this course application is done automatically.
When you make your course application, you show that you want to attend the course and ensure that there is room on the course. Your application is also the basis for planning courses, schedules, teachers, premises, budget etc. and for resources to be put in the right place by the university.
During the application period, there are usually many who contact the study counselors and for this reason they try to increase their availability with extra reception times.
What is the difference between course application and registration?
The application for courses, you do the semester before you should take the courses. Registration is made on the courses in the semester that you read them. You can say that the registration is a confirmation of your application.
How do I submit my application for courses?
Course application is made on the Student Portal, which can be reached via LISAM, and is an application for the courses you are planning to take the next semester.
During which dates should I apply for courses?
For courses taken during autumn semester: 1-10 april
For courses taken during spring semester: 1-10 oktober
What do I do if I forgot to apply for courses I want to study?
You can then do a late application or a so-called course supplement application via LiTH’s website:
To be able to do a course supplement application, you must know which institution is giving the course and who is the Director of studies, you can see this by looking at the Studie info. Your application will only be accepted if there are vacancies on the course , so it is important not to forget the course application.
Tip: Since it is the same dates each year, enter these dates in your calendar as recurring so you don’t miss it!
Do you have questions about the course application you can contact:
How do I undo my course application if I no longer wanna take the course?
If you have changed your mind about a course that you have applied for and possibly also registered for, you should unregister. This is done on the following page:
I need help with my course application, where do I turn?
Contact your Study counselor or contact:
Why must I do a course registration?
When each semester starts you must confirm your place on the courses you have applied for by doing a course registration. If you have not registered, you are not eligible for study funding from CSN. CSN will start paying tuition fees as soon as you have registered for the program and you have made your study assurance with CSN. You register for the courses to confirm what courses you will take during the semester. You as a student always have to do your own registration – no registration is done automatically!
What is the difference between course application and registration?
The application for courses, you do the semester before you should take the courses. Registration is made on the courses in the semester that you read them. You can say that the registration is a confirmation of your application.
How do I register on a course?
Under the Registration tab in the Student Portal which can be accessed via LISAM. You can register from the day the semester starts.
Where do I turn if I have questions about course registration?
In the first place you can turn to:
How do I apply to get my degree?
The application for a degree can be made electronically in the Student Portal (which will then take you to Ladok for students). If you are unable to make an electronic application, contact the exam unit at
Remember that your application is processed only when all the final grades and any thesis/project work/thesis have been reported (with title both in Swedish and English or only English). The diploma issued is bilingual, Swedish/English.
Attached to the certificate is a Diploma Supplement which describes the education and its place in the swedish education system and which facilitates the recognition and credit of a Swedish degree in employment and further studies abroad, but also in Sweden. The document is issued in English.
You will receive your diploma to the email address registered in Ladok.
Who should I turn to if I have questions about my diploma or degree requirements?
If you have questions about obtaining your diploma:
The study counselors can answer questions about the requirements that exist for a degree and if it is for example to include a course in the degree, it is also the study counselor you turn to. During your time at the university, it is primarily your responsibility to ensure that you fulfill the requirements for the degree at the end of the program.
Where can I find the degree requirements?
In the program syllabus in Study Info. Make sure to look at the right program syllabus, ie the syllabus for the year you started your education.
Does LiU only issue digital degree certificates?
From December 2018 onwards, Linköping University issues digital degree certificates. This will reduce the waiting time for students to get their certificate after applying. It will also enable students to send a proper certificate by e-mail or through online application services.
A digital degree certificate contains the same information as a degree certificate issued on paper. The original PDF-file is filed at the university, and a copy is sent to the student by e-mail. The certificate contains digital signatures, to verify that it is an authentic document issued by Linköping University.
All digital degree certificates issued by Linköping University contain two digital signatures. This is to ensure all our degree certificates are signed in a safe and legally binding way. By checking the signatures, you can see that no changes has been made to the documents as well as which organisation the certificate was issued by.
The first signature is issued by Comfact, to verify the signature please visit The second signature is issued by Linköpings university. If you have any questions regarding our digital degree certificates, please contact the Office of Degree Administration,
When finishing all courses you apply for a degree certificate through the Student Portal. Your digital degree certificate will be sent to the email address found in Ladok. You will find more information about applying for a digital degree certificate at Search for academic degrees.
How do I know which courses are included in my program?
The courses included in your program is listed in the program curriculum (for your specific program) in the Study information.
How do I know if a course is mandatory or elective?
Courses are marked C or E in the program curriculum, where C stands for compulsory and E for elective. If a course is marked with C/E, it means that there is a requirement to choose one or more courses marked with C/E in the program curriculum – which it is and how many courses it applies to, you can also find in the program syllabus, though further up the page compared to the degree requirements.
Where do I find information about courses that are included in my program?
In the program curriculum all courses are listed, here you can easily see in which schedule blocks the courses go, number of credits, if they are at the basic or advanced level. If the course has a star (*) next to the number of credits, it means that the course will continue for more than one period. You can then click on each course code and then come to the course syllabus. The syllabus contains information about the course content, structure, learning objectives, examination elements and course literature.
What happens if I fail a course? Vad händer om jag inte klarar en kurs?
If you do not pass an exam on a course, you can write a re-exam, you can usually see the date when the next re-examination will take place in the Student Portal. If there is another part such as a laboration, group work, project etc. talk to your examiner if you can complement with an assignment or need to re-do it. Some courses may be compulsory in order to be able to be moved up to the next semester, to start a bachelor’s or master’s thesis, to go abroad on an agreement or to read another continuing course. Therefore, make sure that you are informed about what courses are so-called blocking courses.
What must a course syllabus contain?
According to the Higher Education Ordinance, there must be a syllabus for each course (Chapter 6, Section 14 HF).
The syllabus must state the following:
- course level,
- number of credits,
- course goal,
- entry requirements,
- the forms of examination
- other regulations needed
In addition to what a syllabus must contain according to the national rules, a syllabus at LiU must also contain:
- information about the course in-depth in relation to the requirements for a degree at the bachelor’s, master’s or master’s level,
- a description of the main content of the course;
- where applicable, information if the course is divided into sections and in that case the rules that apply to final grades
- provisions on the occurrence and forms of mandatory elements in the course
- provisions if it is possible to replace a mandatory element with another task
- provisions for adapted or alternative examinations for students with documented disabilities,
- provisions on the grading scales applied and for which parts of the course they are used;
- where applicable, provisions that a course will be fully or partially examined in a language other than Swedish
- where applicable, provisions allowing the person approved at the examination to participate in the re-examination for higher grades
- provisions on when the syllabus or an amendment to it should come into force and begin to apply;
- the transitional provisions needed.
A syllabus must be established no later than when the course application period begins unless there are special reasons. However, a syllabus for a program course may be revised if it is done at least 8 weeks before the course starts.
Where do I turn if an examiner does not follow the course syllabus or it does not contain everything it should?
If you notice that an examiner does not follow the course syllabus, you can first and foremost point this out to the examiner. Then you can contact the Head of Educational Affairs at LinTek for help and support.
Study Information (
What is the Study Information and how do I find it?
Study info or Study information contains all information about programs and courses , in addition it also has educational plans containing degree requirements, fulfillment rules, profile information etc. Everything you need to know about your program, rules and courses is collected here.
Use the search function on the Study info to find a specific course or program.
What is a program syllabus?
The program syllabus is where most of the information about the specific program you study can be found: degree requirements, the purpose and aim of the program,content, entry requirements, possibly profile information and main areas, etc.
What is a program Curriculum?
The program curriculum is perhaps the most frequently used information in Study Info. Here you can find all courses with syllabuses included in the program, you see which are mandatory, elective and voluntary, as well as what specialisations and master profiles are available.
What does it mean with a voluntary course in the program curriculum?
The courses listed as voluntary (V) in the program curriculum are counted as voluntary only and may not be included in the degree.
What is LISAM?
Lisam and the Student Portal are the two most important IT services for studies at Linköping University. You log into the services with your LiU-ID. If you are a new student, you first need to create a LiU-ID at At LISAM you can find:
- Course rooms with information about your courses, course material, communication from teachers etc. Please note that you have to be enrolled and registered in order to access your course rooms. Admitted students who do not register or refuse a pace will be removed from the course room after the end of the registration period.
- Student email
- Online versions of Word, Excel and PowerPoint
- Opportunity to download a complete Office package to your computer
- Access to the Student Portal
- Ability to create your own collaboration rooms
- Personal storage of files via OneDrive
In order to log in and access your email, you must have a LiU-ID.
How do I log in to LISAM?
To log in to Lisam, follow the link (not www) and log in with your LiU-ID. You already have access to the course room as assumed, but some features require you to be registered on the course.
Why can I not log in to LISAM?
If you have trouble logging in, try again later, or try another browser (browsers include Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome).
If the problem persists, contact, tel 013-28 58 98.
Why can I not see my course room in LISAM?
In order to see a current course room, you must be admitted and registered to that specific course. There must be a course room for that particular course (not all courses have a course room in LISAM). Course rooms can be found under “Courses and programs in the left menu on your LISAM homepage.
If you can not find your course room:
Contact: eller 013-28 5898.
Does LISAM give troubles or do you have struggles loggning in?
If you need help with login, send an email to or report problems / problems via web form or phone 013-28 58 98.
LISAM does not always work without errors, but in order to improve LISAM the IT staff must get input from students. Therefore, do not forget to report errors/problems every time!
What is study guidance?
The study guidance counselors are here to aid you in your study-related tasks but also as impartial yet engaged partners should you need someone to talk to concerning your difficulties at the university. They help with big and small questions, from how high the admissions score is to whether the education is really right for you. They are support persons, coaches, sounding boards and coaches; people who listen, who you can talk to when you are hesitant or worried about studying. THEY have a duty of confidentiality and represent the students’ interests!
What can the study guidance counselors help you with?
- Talks about the study situation and study planning
- Provide guidance on your choice of education
- Give you tips on study techniques
- The study counselor can give you information and answer questions about ex. courses, course registration, degree requirements, thesis jobs, various regulations, etc.
Which questions are not for the study guidance counselors to answer?
- The study guide cannot help with registration! Then contact or the Central Student Expedition:
- Completion of course application – the questions should be sent to
- The study counselors should not help you with purely practical questions such as schedule issues, deadlines and vacation. Keep in mind that you, as a student, are primarily responsible for finding out the information. The information you need during your studies is available on LiU’s web site so start by searching for answers to your questions there!
How can I contact my study guidance counselor?
- If you have questions about change of courses visit or send an e-mail to:
- Other matters, or matters requiring a personal meeting, please book an appointment with the study counsellor responsible for your master programme. During the summer you may contact
- Here you can the study counselor responsible for you master programme:
- Exchange students please contact
What is the Disciplinary Board?
At each university, there should be a disciplinary board whose task is to handle disciplinary matters. The Disciplinary Board at LiU consists of the rector as chairman, a law professor, a teacher representative and two student representatives.
What is a disciplinary measure?
According to chapter 10 in the Higher Education Ordinance, disciplinary measures can be used against a student who:
- Uses prohibited aids and equipment, or in any other way, purposely acts inappropriately during the examination or the assessment of a study assignment.
- Causes disturbance, prevents teaching, examinations or other university related activities from taking place.
Examples of what LiU’s Disciplinary Board has judged as cheating:
- text written onto a formula sheet
- loose sheets of paper containing the student’s own writing during a test
- plagiarizing an essay
- copying a programming project
- working with another group during individual projects when doing so was not allowed
As a student, it is your responsibility to know the information about what is allowed and not allowed in an examination. In case of uncertainty, it is always better to ask the teacher to avoid misunderstandings.
What happens if I am convicted by the disciplinary board?
The disciplinary measures that can be imposed are warning or suspension from participation in teaching and examination up to six months. The most common sentence is the suspension of tuition for one to two months. The decision is notified to the student immediately after the decision has been made. Suspension is usually valid from the day the decision is made.
In the event of suspension, the student may not participate in teaching, exams or other activities within the framework of the education at the university. In practice, this means that the student must not participate in lectures, laboratory sessions, seminars, etc., nor in any type of examination.
To whom may a student turn for support when a report has been filed to the Disciplinary Board?
The Report Submitter/person investigating the matter in the Board can provide more information regarding what happens in the case of a report and potential suspension. The student may also turn to the Study Adviser for guidance on how to plan continuing studies. It is also possible to contact the Student Union and/or the Student Health Care Centre for support
At LinTek (Student union) you can contact:
For more information we also recommend going to the following website and read, there is a FAQ especially for students with more answers to questions.
LiU-card and what is it used for?
The LiU-card works as an acccess card on campus, library card, copy/print card, bus card on the campus bus, electronic identification for internal use at LiU, identification for exams (only cards issued before 1 august 2019). You can pick it up at one of our Info Centers. You must also have registered for your courses at the latest at 18 oclock the day before to be able to retrieve your LiU card. When you get your LiU-card you will be asked to add your own four-digit PIN to the card.
Please note that new LiU-cards issued from August 1st no longer applies as identifications at exams. Therefore, bring a driver’s license, passport or other valid identification instead.
Here you can read more about the LiU-card
How can I impact on my education and courses at university?
- Get involved in your student association (section)! LinTek, together with the student associations, is a member of the preparatory and decision-making bodies at the university where programs and courses are discussed.
- Submit opinions or questions to the Head of Educational Affairs at LinTek or to your section so we can take your opinions further.
- Visit LinTek’s course evaluation opportunities held by the sections. What is discussed on these occasions is read by the examiner and discussed in PPG to see how to develop courses and programs.
- Respond to Evaliuate which is sent to your LiU-mail after each completed course, unlike LinTek’s course evaluations, this is a more quantitative evaluation of the courses.
To what can I use the Liu-application?
The LiU-app helps you as a student at Linköpings University and makes your life on campus a little easier. With the LiU-app you can sign up for exams and in time the app will include everything related to studies and student life on campus.
With the LiU-app you can:
- Check your study results
- Find your way on our campuses using the campus map.
- See timetable for the Campus Bus and real time position of the buses.
- Create a calendar subscription for your schedule that you can add in your mobile’s calendar app.
- Keep track of your exams. You will see the actual exam for your education, you can sign up and see what you have already registered for. You also have updated information such as dates, exam times and a map to the exam location in the same place.
Log in with your LiU-ID to take advantage of all the features.
Do you think there is a question missing or you have something else you would like to adress, send an email to . We are the Batman of Education at Liu!